BWH Hotel Group Central Europe, together with the start-up B’n’Tree (bed-and-tree), has set itself the goal of actively combating climate change and improving the habitat of endangered species. Since Click A Tree was founded in 2018, countless trees have already been planted, not only improving the habitat of wild animals, but also enriching the lives of numerous local people. The collaboration between Click A Tree and BWH Hotel Group Central Europe shows that sustainable travel is not only possible, but also easy to implement.

Travelling & environment
As an environmentally conscious traveler, it is important for me to have a positive impact on the environment during my travels. Therefore, I was thrilled to learn that by booking with Best Western Hotels and Click A Tree, I can help fight climate change and create jobs in poorer countries.

Planting trees – travel with a clear conscience
The collaboration between Best Western Hotels and Click A Tree allows guests to plant three trees with every booking, without costing them a penny more or incurring any additional expense. This initiative is a great way to have a positive impact on the environment without sacrificing comfort and quality in accommodation. Sustainable travel – made easy!

“Through our cooperation with B’n’Tree, we are taking another step toward sustainability. In this way, we are not only actively combating climate change, but also creating habitat for endangered species.” – Carmen Dücker, CEO BWH Hotel Group Central Europe

Green meeting
Not only as an individual traveler, but also as a meeting and event planner, I have the opportunity to act sustainably. BWH Hotel Group Central Europe supports me in planning and implementing environmentally conscious events. Climate protection and sustainability are playing an increasingly important role in the business world today and it’s great that BWH Hotel Group Central Europe is a pioneer in this area.
By offering the opportunity to pay a personal contribution of three euros per attendee and thus plant one tree per attendee via Click A Tree, event organizers can not only make a positive contribution to climate protection, but also help create jobs in poorer countries. I think it’s great that I, as an event organizer, can do something good so easily and directly.

Sustainable booking via the central MICE Desk of BWH Hotel Group Central Europe is simple and straightforward. When planning my events, I am glad that I can rely on a partner who shares my values and supports me in acting sustainably.
Arbor Day
Arbor Day reminds us how important trees are to our ecosystem and how much we depend on them. Through the Best Western Hotels and Click A Tree initiative, we can help plant more trees and have a positive impact on the future of our planet and our society. I am grateful for the opportunity to be active and do something good.

So what are you waiting for? Be part of the solution and support the reforestation of trees worldwide by booking through the joint website of the cooperation partners. Together, we can help protect and preserve our environment – for us and for generations to come. Happy Arbor Day!
And with that Merry Meet & until next time!